The Boys and Girls Club of Sarnia/Lambton After School and Drop In Recreation Program

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted about this program, so here’s a friendly reminder for those who might be interested!

The Boys and Girls Club of Sarnia/Lambton offers a FREE after school and drop in recreation program for children ages 6 and up!

Monday to Thursday, 2:30-9:00
Friday’s 2:30-6:00

Nutritional Snack Provided Daily
Homework Assistance Avaiable

For transportation please call the Club or call the Bus Company or School for transportation information.

180N College Ave
Lochiel Kiwanis Centre

2015 Holiday Activities for Sarnia-Lambton!

Hello friends!

I am FINALLY getting back into the blog… after loads of neglect and broken promises.

Anyways, a lot of people have been asking what’s going on for the holidays and looking for the family fun. Frankly, I have not yet taken the time to st down and compile a list yet so imagine my delight when I was checking my emails today (all 2774 of them) and what did I find??? One of my very fav emails – the Tourism Sarnia-Lambton monthly newsletter! And guess what? There was just such a list in there! Amen. Thank you Tourism Sarnia-Lambton!


Enjoy! Also – if you know of any other family friendly events through November and December, please leave a comment below! I will be doing a MAJOR update to the Activities Calendar very soon!

Welcome Santa to the Lambton Mall with Toopy and Binoo!

50% Off Costumes by Great Pretenders!

Just in time for Halloween!

Great Pretenders is having a sweet 50% off sale on select costumes! Visit to check out the deals. If there’s something you like that’s not on the seasons, use discount code 15%OCT15 for 15% off 🙂 Orders before October 23rd will arrive prior to Halloween!

Remember – you do not have to pay for shipping! Great Pretenders is LOCAL and if you call or email them to place your order, you can pick it up at their head office in Point Edward at the Mara Trade Centre.