Toddler Bedtime Routine Chart

Last year (during the “terrible twos”), my son went through a phase in which he seemed to have a really difficult time transitioning from one activity to another. It made bedtime a real nightmare! He had no interest in using the potty, one TV show would turn into 5, he wanted to play longer, would put up an epic battle to brush his teeth… you get the picture. Even though we always followed a routine, the timing was getting longer and longer. After doing some research on, I decided to try printing out a bedtime routine chart to hang in the bathroom so that he had a visual cue. It worked like a charm! He absolutely loved it! Do contact the Cronulla plumbers to fix any kind of repairs in the bathroom which will be back to normal in no time.

All of a sudden he was excited and EAGER to pee in the potty and brush his teeth before bed, if you Continue Reading here, you can read all about invisalign for teens if you have a couple of teenagers in your home – check it out here for the best home improvement services. No more putting up a stink! In bed by 7:30pm! YAY! Now that she’s a bit older, my daughter also loves it. She gets a real kick out of pointing to the pictures and knowing what comes next. I’ve had a lot of compliments on it from visitors and other kiddos love to see it when they are here so I decided to share it.

This is the original printable bedtime routine is from (it is available in word.doc, word.docx, and .pdf formats so that you can download/edit them):

This is the version I created for my son:



It’s Kindergarten Registration Time!

Do you have a kid born in 2011?

I do… and I can’t believe I have to register him for junior kindergarten already! Where has the time gone???? It’s so bittersweet! Part of me wants to hold him, pretend he is still my chubby cheeked little baby and never let him go. The other part of me is so proud of the brilliant, hilarious little man he’s becoming everyday and I am so excited for this new stage of growth and discovery in his life (and mine!)! Cathcart Public School… here we come!

Here is all you need to know to register your little ones:

Every school will host a special registration day called kinderSTARt.


“KinderSTARt is a special one day event held in each of our schools for parent to register their children for Kindergarten. It is also a great opportunity for parents and children to learn more about school together. The program is offered in partnership with the Best Start community service partners. Through KinderSTARt children and parents have an early opportunity to visit the school and meet staff in preparation for Full Day Kindergarten in the fall of 2015. We also welcome younger siblings (18 months – 3 years) to attend. Our Community Partners are there to offer helpful information about getting ready for school, such as ages and stages growth development, good nutrition and healthy living tips and immunization.

It is important that parents register their children at this time to allow schools to plan class sizes. It is not necessary to re-register for Senior Kindergarten if your child is presently attending Junior Kindergarten in a Lambton Kent public elementary school.

 Junior Kindergarten – Children, four years of age on or before December 31, 2015 may be registered for classes beginning September, 2015.

 Senior Kindergarten – Children, five years of age on or before December 31, 2015 may be registered for classes beginning September, 2015.

 Documentation showing proof of age must be presented at registration.”

View Lambton Kent District School Board registration information – North end schools

View Lambton Kent District School Board registration information – South end schools

View St. Clair Catholic District School Board registration information

Groundhog Day Celebrations!

Tomorrow morning (Sunday, Feb. 1/15) there will be an opportunity to see groundhog Oil Springs Ollie over a delicious breakfast at the Oil Springs Youth Centre before his big day! This is a really cool interaction for kids and is a great opportunity to teach them about the fun Groundhog Day prediction tradition! At 9am on Feb. 2/15, join Ollie when he makes his prediction! I sure hope Spring comes sooner rather than later 😉

All proceeds go to Heaven’s Wildlife Rescue and Oil Springs Park & Recreation.




Kindermusik Valentine’s Playdate
